Trust Center

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Welcome to the DocSend Trust Center.

Dropbox DocSend includes the Dropbox DocSend Personal, Standard, Advanced, and Advanced Data Rooms plans.

Share, track, and optimize documents and videos with DocSend. With DocSend, you can take control of your business with real-time document and video analytics and use data to see where customers spend their time and perfect your pitches. There is nothing more important than security and peace of mind. With DocSend, you are empowered to control every aspect of your shared documents, even after you hit send. Help ensure you don’t lose control of your sensitive documents and put yourself at risk when sharing secure DocSend links. Set a passcode, verify via email, and restrict access to ensure only the right people can view your files. Set expiration dates and turn on or off the ability to download.

Ready to get started? Use this Trust Center to learn more about our security posture and why DocSend is #worthyoftrust.


REPORTSDropbox Security White Paper
Trust Center Updates

Dropbox Sign Data Subject Access and Deletion Requests

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Dropbox Sign data subject access and deletion requests can now be submitted through an online form for non-account data ( This is in addition to the form's existing Dropbox and FormSwift data subject access and deletion request capabilities. Account data can be accessed and deleted via the Sign product. See the Data Subject Access Rights section of the Trust Center for more information.

Published at N/A

Dash for Business is now GDPR compliant

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Dash is now GDPR compliant. We are committed to protecting your data and helping you meet your compliance obligations.

Published at N/A

Dash for Business is now ISO 27001 compliant

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Dash for Business (DfB) now adheres to the internationally recognized ISO 27001 standard for information security management. This certification demonstrates our commitment to protecting customer data and meeting the highest security standards.

Published at N/A*

Privacy and Data Protection Paper Update

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Dropbox's Privacy and Data Protection Paper has been updated with the latest information about privacy practices and data subject rights. It is also now available in Chinese (in addition to the previously supported twelve languages). Download the Privacy and Data Protection Paper from the "Documents" section.

Published at N/A

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If you think you may have discovered a vulnerability, please send us a note.

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